Rendezvous &
Every rendezvou has the seeds of relationship. We and
sometimes destiny chooses for us the depths and length
of a relationship.
The relationship of Son, Daughter, Brother, Sister,
Mother,Friends ; Colleagues, etc. are all means to
fulfill the expectations. Most of these relations have
their role descriptions defined and hence Parents
expect their children to respect ; obey them
, children expect unconditional love from parents,wives
expects husbands to stand by; understand them
out & husbands expects their wives to be rational,
supportive and logical ; so on. Different stages or
forms of relationships have different levels of excitement
or boredoms,acceptance or rejections.
, children expect unconditional love from parents,wives
expects husbands to stand by; understand them
out & husbands expects their wives to be rational,
supportive and logical ; so on. Different stages or
forms of relationships have different levels of excitement
or boredoms,acceptance or rejections.
Relationships have tremendous influence on our lives. It
can make one happy, contented, depressed or frustrated.
With suchimpact on the quality of life, relationships needs
to be choosen judiciously, nurtured carefully and kept in
can make one happy, contented, depressed or frustrated.
With suchimpact on the quality of life, relationships needs
to be choosen judiciously, nurtured carefully and kept in
Relationships are bridges that a person seeks to build to
cover the gaps in his life and hence no relationship is
without expectations. Two persons forging
a relationship are like two sets of VOIDS expecting
fulfillmentfrom each other. However these persons
may or may not be complementary personalities to
begin with and hence have imcompatible voids ;
uncomplemenatry gaps. Particularly in case a marriage
it becomes very important to understand this concept
to have a fulfilling life and In my view Infatuation,
though called elusiveis the highest form of love in
marital life. Infatuation is a stage both the persons are
convinced in their vivid imagination and belief that the
other person has no shortcomings. Extreme Fondness,
. forgiveness, compassion and overflowing love
chracterises infatuation. Infatuated people do willingly
what the other fellow likes. How long one can sustain
this is the million dollar question. Unlike marriage where
how close you are matters, in other relationships
distance also matters.
cover the gaps in his life and hence no relationship is
without expectations. Two persons forging
a relationship are like two sets of VOIDS expecting
fulfillmentfrom each other. However these persons
may or may not be complementary personalities to
begin with and hence have imcompatible voids ;
uncomplemenatry gaps. Particularly in case a marriage
it becomes very important to understand this concept
to have a fulfilling life and In my view Infatuation,
though called elusiveis the highest form of love in
marital life. Infatuation is a stage both the persons are
convinced in their vivid imagination and belief that the
other person has no shortcomings. Extreme Fondness,
. forgiveness, compassion and overflowing love
chracterises infatuation. Infatuated people do willingly
what the other fellow likes. How long one can sustain
this is the million dollar question. Unlike marriage where
how close you are matters, in other relationships
distance also matters.
Relationships become overbearing need to be carefully
analysed, treaded with caution and wisdom.Most
relationships are spoiled by careless communications .
Words may hurts irreparably, bad behaviours are hard
to forget and sarcasm may poison a relationship.
analysed, treaded with caution and wisdom.Most
relationships are spoiled by careless communications .
Words may hurts irreparably, bad behaviours are hard
to forget and sarcasm may poison a relationship.
Simalarly Competition and arrogance are sureshot killer
for a beautiful relationship.
for a beautiful relationship.
Strong relationships are like Fibers in the texture of life.
.. Gives strength, flexibility and color...
.. Gives strength, flexibility and color...
Each Rendezvou has a purpose, each relationship has
a meaning - More important than anything else,
a meaning - More important than anything else,
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