A place to share the creations of Hearts & Minds both and the fusions of fine arts,Poems, Science,Business and daily life...To share miraculous victories in life to let all draw inspirations...To share examples of daunting courage,unflinching Hope, unprecedented Life force,Will power & above all "FAITH&" with which people color the beautiful landscapes of life...Delta to Sigma - Collect,share & spread such inspirations for all....

Monday, July 29, 2019

My Poems : Culprit


Saturday, July 27, 2019

My Poems : Soldiers of Peace

Soldiers of Peace

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

My Expressions : Soft violence

Soft violence 

A slap, a punch,  or a  fisticuff is not a common site among educated people. However education does not necessarily inculcate a sense of poise and respect in all for others.The surge of inner rage in people manifest itself in the form of soft violence.  This soft violence carried out in subtle manner hurt the other person even more than the physical violence. Some such instances of soft violence commonly seen are :

1. Ignoring one's presence selectively.
2. Not greeting a person selectively.
3. Not inviting someone while all else are invited.
4. Giving dull, subdued and discouraging response to one's greetings.
5. Refusing someone's invitation  with discourtsey.
6. Discussing financial gains loudly in front of a relatively less well off person.
7. Not answering one's call or message despite being well known and related.
8. Talking over and keep talking without giving chance to other person to speak.
9. Discouraging a talented or capable person by impeding his/ her progress selectively.

Especially with elderly and senior people, soft violence is seen being committed by younger ones in following all so many ways:

1. Giving orders to them.
2. Making them / seeing them doing chores without the keenness to help or takeover from them.
3. Asking them to pick up articles to carry while traveling particularly and otherwise too.
4. Disappearing from the scene under some pretext at the time of work.
5. Showing  leisure or entertainment time to be more important than their even serious work.
6. Not asking their well being or truly taking full responsibility of their well being.
7. Leaving behind work for them and thus exploiting their orderliness to get things done.
8. Asking them for money instead of supporting them.
9. Not offering them food first.
10. Not leaving seat for them rather taking it keeping them standing.
11. Not giving passage to them first.
12. Belittling their age and physical limitations.
13. Talking to people elder in age in a mockingly patronizing manner. 

Soft violence against children may take the following forms:

1. Showing them down repeatedly for their mistakes.
2. Not giving credit to them for their accomplishments or talents.
3. Comparing them with other children.
4. Dampening their enthusiasm with cold responses.
5. Depriving them of the love, care and protective guidance.
6. Keep rebuking them for trivial matters.
7. Imposing choices upon them all the time.

Soft violence leaves scars deep in the psyche. Soft violence is unknowingly and inadvertently committed.

Watch out!! Do you commit soft violence too.

(C) Manish 'pakhi'

Saturday, July 6, 2019

My Poem: एक असमर्थ की पदचाप

एक असमर्थ की पदचाप

My Pride