A place to share the creations of Hearts & Minds both and the fusions of fine arts,Poems, Science,Business and daily life...To share miraculous victories in life to let all draw inspirations...To share examples of daunting courage,unflinching Hope, unprecedented Life force,Will power & above all "FAITH&" with which people color the beautiful landscapes of life...Delta to Sigma - Collect,share & spread such inspirations for all....

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Beats n Notes : Percussions

Mentor & Disciple , Father and Son,  Heart and Soul, Beats and Notes !!!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

My expressions : Mind Body connection

Mind Body Connection 

Mind is a bottom most accessible layer of our conscious presence in the universe. The subtlety of thoughts and their evanescence creates subjective realities for us unceasingly and we experience feelings and emotions. Mind thus becomes a interactive touchscreen for the potentials hidden in our deeper levels of conscious. These potentials accumulated and entrenched as a result of our Karma in the past and present life times keep surfacing from time to time thru mind and thus become the source of our sufferings or happiness. 

It was fine as long as this subtle dreamlike illusory was only limited to thoughts. However, The subtle potentials , the thoughts, the feelings and emotions got intricately meshed in  the Biological aspects of our entity thus creating a pulsating living organism with the suffused presence of consciousness thruout. This Living organism would now experiencing the wholeness or emptiness of life thru its own interactions with in its own being thru past , present and future.

The mind body connection is most profound and yet most poorly understood and applied. Most therapies that has evolved to treat Illnesses of the body and the mind focus on mitigating the apparent root cause of the malady, whereas the deeper cause lies deep with in, dormant , unaddressed and ready to strike again. Body as such produces variety of chemicals as required and there are many complex processes that run with accurate precision day and night. These processes are so complex that to produce even one of such Chemicals , we may have to set up a big manufacturing plant. However , In the mere five or six feet body several of these complex function take place without error. It is obvious therefore that the regenerative power of the body far exceeds the degenerative tendency. However, the use of this regenerative power in creating holistic well being still remain untapped by most medical experts. 

Like the  Strong Mind Body consonance, We and our environment too interact in almost mirror like manner. Every move that we make in thoughts words, and deeds is reflected back to us by the environment we live in. When we abuse the nature, pestilence happen. When we disrespect life, maladies happen, when we disparage other fellow beings we ourselves create causes for our own happiness. Yet most people find fault in their environment, blame others for their own miseries and end up falling thru an abysmal pit of sufferings . Logics guide us instead of conscience and   individual objectivity nudges out the collective responsibility. Unmindful, thoughtless and unbridled actions lead us tray from the path of true happiness. 

There is a simpler way to live a healthy and happy life : Know thy Mind , Know thy body and know thy Environment and own them up. Do not disparage and harm others and the environment. These simple actions shall bring us in the universal rhythm of life and we shall be able to transcend the boundaries to tap our own deeper self for eternal Happiness. For Happiness is nothing but a state of Mind and a super state of a Super Mind!!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

My expressions : Mid life Renaissance

Every Person encounters a Crossroad syndrome during his mid forties when the vision towards the future and past extends symmetrically, when the vastness of emotional , social and spiritual churn make not two but many roads cross each other. This is the time when a person has the lingering traces of adolescent youthfulness along with the coldness of mature responsibilities.

This is the time when the person has the receding rebellion merging into an accepting conformism. This is the time when the memories of the past are as exhilarating or exasperating as the visions of the future.

This is the time when  all the fundamentals of life learned strenuously  over the years are put to test with an interplay of dilemmas and quandaries. This is the time when one keep asking questions to oneself while everyone looks for the right answers from him.

A time when optimism and pessimism hang in perfect balance just as enthusiasm and aplomb, guts and precautions, opportunities and threats leading to an interlaced matrix of paradoxes.

This is the time when one learns to lean on self as well as others to move forward. Relationships become as important as talent.

A seemingly unending tyranny of of thoughtlessness and thoughtfulness in an vainglorious attempt to cope with the GO of life and spiritual awakening.A mix of denials and determinations, a chaotic disorderly mind scape in which some choose and pretend to hide themselves behind an ignorant bliss,

This is the time of spiritual birth...casting off the transient and revealing the true.. a whole some potential to unveil harmonizing all paradoxes... For it means not choosing one of the two but finding a third direction which is an optimal resultant of the vectors of chaos and order - A middle way

A rebirth.. A re-awakening, a soulful Renaissance , a re decision , Re-modelling of the self with much deeper  understanding of life and its meaning, the purpose of existence and mission,

Like an eagle breaks the mold and take a re birth.. this is the time to extend our life by re inventing ourselves..

                                                                                                              - Pakhi-

Sunday, April 5, 2015

My Poems : Bas Ek Pal

बस एक पल

सारे पथ के कंकण बीन कर आया हूँ,
अब कोमल पैरों की  आहट आने दो,

बगिया का हर फूल खिला कर आया हूँ ,
हवा के झोंके खूशबू को फैलाने दो ,

सब तारों तो टांक  दिया मैंने नभ में, 
चाँद सा चेहरा उजियारे को आने दो,

देखो कैसा पत्थर का नीरव जंगल,
हंसी का झरना फूट कर अब तो आने दो,

मेरे मन के गहरे खारे सागर में,
मीठे पानी की नदिया  बह  जाने दो,

फिर जब  जब शाम ढले और रास्ते  मुड़  जाएँ,
यादों की लोरी से मन बहलाने दो। . 
                                                      - पाखी -

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Editorial Note - Happy New Year

On the 6th Anniversary of Delta to Sigma , I once again thank all the readers  from US, UK, India, Germany, Poland, Latvia, South Korea, France, Russia and many other countries for their contributions, comments and suggestions.

With multitudes of Social network platforms, Instant Chat and Messaging applications proliferating and connecting minds across the world, new year buzz of  wishing happiness, success, peace, safety, love and fulfilment electrify the atmosphere. 

The power of these platforms of bringing minds together unites the solemn and seeking spirit of each one of us to be and make everyone happy fills every moment of the day with nothing but positivity. 

This positivity  getting unleashed is the real treasure of the human heart..a chorus for peace..  

Each year, on the new year day, we say goodbye to the previous year not realising that every moment of that year & the years before that has sublimated into the depth of our being... 

A building up of our past in terms of words , deeds and actions.. Karma... 

A new year therefore presents to us an  opportunity to change our Karma..

We look behind & ahead and take resolutions.. Some people follow them, some  lose them half way and most others forget them the very next day..

Lets translate this great buzz of new year wishes into a determination to change the lives of people including ours to bring about happiness.. 

Lets look back and see 

how many lives we touched 

how many lives we changed
how many friends we made 
how many friends we lost
how well we took care of our elders
how well we took care of those less endowed than us
how good as human being we evolved..

This determination itself expands the life state by multi-fold and creates a buzz in our own life that propels us to take interest in people, in their diverse nature, in their viewpoints, in their circumstances, in their weaknesses and in their strengths and accepting this diversity as something very awesome, intriguing, and amazing. 


Let everyday be a quest -  whom can I help today.. silently, behind the scenes , unsung..
Let this real buzz start connecting the hearts
lets us all become help centres in our own right 
let us make this new year a fresh start to connect with more and more lives
lets change more and more lives
help more and more lives 
discover indestructible happiness!!!

Happy new Year to all of you and waiting to hear the stories of  Changing Lives  from all of you in the new year.. That alone can and shall make the new year A VERY VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR.

                                                                                                                                - Pakhi-

My Pride