A place to share the creations of Hearts & Minds both and the fusions of fine arts,Poems, Science,Business and daily life...To share miraculous victories in life to let all draw inspirations...To share examples of daunting courage,unflinching Hope, unprecedented Life force,Will power & above all "FAITH&" with which people color the beautiful landscapes of life...Delta to Sigma - Collect,share & spread such inspirations for all....

Friday, January 1, 2016

Editorial note : Happy new year 2016

On the 7th Anniversary of Delta to Sigma , I once again thank all the readers  from US, UK, India, Germany, Poland, Latvia, South Korea, France, Russia and many other countries for their contributions, comments and suggestions.

I have received many messages to write more.. I am thankful to all the readers who found this small effort to glean inspirations from all over and encourage those who need it..

A word of encouragement, a word of appreciation , a word of praise bring out the true potential of a person. Today we find most people struggling with their lesser self , hurting themselves as they hurt others... The true purpose of life being nowhere in sight..

It is unimportant how long a life one led... how each moment was lived is most important.. 

It is dangerous to rely on our fluctuating mind which has limited wisdom, foresight and sense of right and wrong...

A mentor is needed to shows us the true path...
A philosophy is required to work as anchor of our life.. 
A conscious effort is required to do our human revolution to realise our mission every day.. 

The journey of Human Revolution is long but every step is rewarding..

This year I met some fantastic individuals ..I will remember them forever...

The New Year day is again buzzing with excitement and warm wishes. Why can't every moment of year be charged like this , when we wish each other the best, congratulate them and celebrate the joy and sorrows both with aplomb and equanimity accepting life as it is ... 

Lets do this this year !!!!!

Happy New Year to all of you and waiting to hear the stories of  human revolution and grand victories.

                                                                                                                                - Pakhi-

My poems - The Tiny Dots

The Tiny Dots

Arms  outstretched
I saw the distances grow longer,
you, a  blurring outline
in  undulating wind
eluded my narrowing eyes..

A gale of wind blew up
sand and dust
dimming silhouette
setting the sun down...

I rose on my feet
fixing my gaze
on the thin swerving line
popping up and down the horizon
finally reduced were you
to  a tiny dot..

I dropped my gaze
so not losing sight
of my tiny dot
forever ..

a thousand tiny dots
making a horizon
of  longing & promise ..

some  day
the tiny dots grow bigger
curling the horizon inward
a  thousand undulating lines
silhouettes walk  back
a thousand parted ones
meet their loved ones

a hand touches my chin
pulls my face up
is it you my tiny dot...

is it you my someone...

                                                        - Pakhi -

My Pride