A place to share the creations of Hearts & Minds both and the fusions of fine arts,Poems, Science,Business and daily life...To share miraculous victories in life to let all draw inspirations...To share examples of daunting courage,unflinching Hope, unprecedented Life force,Will power & above all "FAITH&" with which people color the beautiful landscapes of life...Delta to Sigma - Collect,share & spread such inspirations for all....

Saturday, June 29, 2019

My Poems: Transcend


Sunday, June 23, 2019

My Poems : Faith


My Poems : इंतिज़ार


Saturday, June 8, 2019

My Expressions : Uncertainty


One of the things we need to cope in life with, is uncertainty. Uncertainty implies possibility of materialization of any of the favorable or unfavorable outcomes that exist for a given a situation. Since each such outcome has a corresponding impact on our life in a favorable or unfavorable manner,  uncertainty leads many of us to anxiety. 

The law of entropy pulls everything in the direction of disorder. Hence, to keep things in order we have to make effort which in turn means we spend energy to make the outcome favorable for us. The moment we decide on one outcome as our goal, the remaining possibilities become the part of disorder with respect to the chosen goal. The law of entropy applies and the shift towards disorder starts in a natural universal manner. This shifts makes the possibility of materialization of any of the undesired outcomes stronger.

This phenomenon is universal, spontaneous and inevitable. 

It is therefore futile to wish that the universal law of increasing entropy shall not operate on our given situation and  things shall remain perfect in equilibrium endlessly without making any efforts. Infact, the moment we decide upon a goal, we need to apply energy and effort to keep the entropy shift towards the disorderliness at bay. The more exclusive the goal, the greater is the entropy and hence greater is the  effort required to hold on to the desired outcome. 

It is choices between order and disorder. There are some who accept  disorder in their own lives and in their surroundings. Such people remain victims of uncertainty with a deep complacent sense of unawareness and unknowing. They find certainty in the uncertainty itself with ever shifting goals and endless adjustments without ever creating any value. Typically, such people are characterized by a sense of amazement with the disorderliness of change. 

There are others who choose order. They give there energy in maintaing balance, equilibrium and stability to a framework that sustains a goal, a value, a purpose or a mission. They exert themselves to constantly challenge the disorder. In the process they create value. They drive change to synthesize by putting in energy and efforts rather than becoming a casual observer of a disintegrating shift - entropy.

If we understand this principal, it becomes clear to us as to why there is hard work, effort, energy, exertion, endurance, challenge and perseverance required to achieve something of substance and sustain it.

It is the force of universal entropy and our enthalpy that govern our thermodynamics - the heat maps and energy shifts. 

Entropy : an annihilating undercurrent, an unseen reality and an awareness so thoroughly skipped by most of us!!

(C) Manish 'pakhi'

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

My Poems : Rope


In everyday life, we find such relationships that tests our endurance. These are the people with whom we have a karmic relationship from our previous life times.
People in these relationship prolong the toxicity by living in a quid pro quo or a tug of war and thus the tussle never ends,

But when one person drops his or her side of the rope by forgiving the other person and by stopping retaliation,  the power struggle stops. The karma of the toxic relationship breaks...

Drop the rope!!

Monday, June 3, 2019

My Poems : Judgement


Sunday, June 2, 2019

My Poems : लम्हे


Saturday, June 1, 2019

My Poems : तजुर्बात


My Pride