A place to share the creations of Hearts & Minds both and the fusions of fine arts,Poems, Science,Business and daily life...To share miraculous victories in life to let all draw inspirations...To share examples of daunting courage,unflinching Hope, unprecedented Life force,Will power & above all "FAITH&" with which people color the beautiful landscapes of life...Delta to Sigma - Collect,share & spread such inspirations for all....

Friday, January 1, 2021

Editorial Note 2021

The sheer power of the good wishes charges the atmosphere. We wish others who warmly reciprocates and a groundswell of benevolence   re-ignites hope. I am sure on such a day the planet Earth  must be looking different from afar in space. Hope that should never die...Hope for a better tomorrow for you and me and for us.... 2020 had been an year of unprecedented events....in a way reflective of where our collective consciousness is taking us...I am still shaken to see the barren streets, bazaars, schools, offices and the morbid stench in the air of a lurking fear of death..a helpless humanity coming to knees to a living dead's lethal pervasiveness with nothing to guard us ..no medicines , no vaccines...Only faith...

I am thankful to the readers from United States, India, Russia, Germany, France, Ukraine, Portugal, United Kingdom, Latvia, Sweden, Poland, Israel, Canada, Indonesia, Australia, Romania, Singapore, China and other countries to take interest in my blog. Thanks for your amazing feedback and continued guidance. I thank all my readers for their valuable feedback and encouraging  support from the bottom of my heart. 

Today the onset of the new year reminds of another malady that is as pervasive and devastating as a pandemic...it kills stealthily..it is  degenerative and it kills the potential of the Victim.. 

It is called " Bullying"  and I urge let this be the year  of " NO BULLYING" as a new year resolution.. 

Bullying thrives on the weaknesses or vulnerabilities of people they cannot change... it locks them down, make them retreat in fear and succumb to an undignified subservience..Bullying happens to all the people of all age groups from kids to elderly, all the places from school, to work places to family and all the time... 

Many people are not aware of the bullying happening with them out of their good and sincere nature..If you find following happening with you you may as well check if you are being bullied....

1/  You are not greeted, included and given due space in a gathering willfully by some people .
2/  Your work areas or personal spaces  are encroached with defiance of your dignity by some people.
3/   You are made to feel small of your achievements and compared unequally and unfairly with undeserving others.
4/   Your sincere efforts and sensitivity is exploited to keep you bereft of the recognition or reward or positive strokes deliberately.
5/   You are mocked and  ridiculed for your appearance, background, status, disabilities and even abilities ..things that you cannot change immediately.
6/ Your dignity is violated with harsh, abusive or abrasive words or actions.

The person being bullied are generally having stronger faith in humanity which makes them unable to retaliate.. their kindness is misunderstood as their weakness...They are powerless due to their innate  goodness and feel they can absorb the fundamental darkness of others...Many of them fall into a habit self abnegation only to break down completely some day....

About those who bully there are some who do it as a sport to derive pleasure and satisfy their ego... there are some who do it out of uncontrollable obsessive preoccupations for  some people like a sibling , possessions like a property or practices like a ritual......  

Bullying is another living dead that kills ...it too does irreparable damage to a person's immune system, It too does not have a vaccine,  It too is contagious ...It too is a pandemic ....one which is much more embedded, virulent and resistant ...one which mutate into various strains making it difficult to identify by the victim...

Lets resolve not to bully anyone and see if there are any traces of bullying in the behavior we give and receive both...If this one malady can be wiped from the face of Earth, it will restore dignity of  many lives...it will foster bonds god tied us together with, It will make the 2021 wishes come true for many...

Most importantly...It will cost nothing!!

Wish you a very Happy new year once again!!! 

Stay healthy, safe and let your spirit soar the highest to a life condition of unparalleled compassion!!

                                                                                                                                Manish 'Pakhi'  

My Pride