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Friday, February 15, 2019

My Expressions - Greed



intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food. ( Dictionary meaning)

Intense and selfish is what characterise this fundamental darkness inherent in all sentient beings. Greed is usurping the rights of others for self and crave for seizing more and more.

A person possessed by greed wants to grab everything for himself. Have you ever noticed a host inviting you for a sumptuous dinner and while serving you keeping the best portions of food for himself. Have you ever seen someone while posing for a group photograph along with others taking a over proportioned centrestage for oneself. Have you ever seen someone in a public transport not relinquishing his seat for an elderly person standing. All these example emanate from the underlying tendency of greed which undermines the propriety an occasion demands.

On a larger scale, greed becomes a collective phenomenon where organisations, societies and even States demonstrate a inequitous behaviour. States with the ambitions of expanding their territorial boundaries, societies with a huge rich poor divide and organisations with obsessive compulsions for rapid growth are all examples of manifestations of underlying greed.

Greed is overdoing. It is an antithesis of sacrifice and sharing. People who share and sacrifice are richer in heart with a fulfilled and contented life state while people possessed by greed are never satiated and remain restless to acquire more.

Greed consumes a person from with in and insidiously make a hollow inside. The more you put in this hollow, it enlarges to consume even more.

Some very fine and talented people were ruined as they could not control their greed. Moderation in every act is the key to keep greed under check.

Middle way is the answer. It's about neither swinging to the morbid extreme of self denial and not falling into the pit of greed. 

It is about living a balanced life where sharing gives us joy and enrichment. 

This is what I heard!!

(C) pakhi

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome expression Manishji

My Pride