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Sunday, February 10, 2019

My Expressions - Envy


Envy - a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.

The dictionary meaning can hardly convey the destructive power of this feeling. A power that can completely possess one's mind and make him blind to logic and propriety. People possessed with envy do anything to bring other fellow down. They can do the following:

1. Stop greeting you.

2. Spread rumours about you.

3. Showing special liking for things you do not like.

4. Talking big in your presence.

5. Refuse your gifts or offerings.

6. Ignore your good gestures.

7. Praise someone you don't like in your presence.

8. Not giving you your credit.

9. Giving someone undue importance in your presence.

10. Keeping distance from you.

11. Bad mouthing about you behind your back.

12. Trying to size up with you by pulling you down instead of elevating themselves.

13. Showing endearment to your kids and elders and subtly possess their mind with sweet talk.

14. Leaving you out of important communication.

15. Doing opposite of what you suggest.

16. Deliberately spoil your show.

17. Giving you petty gifts.

18. Not including you in conversation, groups etc.

19. Keeping a close watch on who admires you and trying to alienate him immediately.

20. Mimic every action that you take for self improvement.


For people possessed with envy, your defeat is more important than their loss. The seeds of envy sprout in one's very close environment; family, extended family, close relations, close friends and colleagues. The actions of envious people are aimed at getting a artificial high and a wicked sense of power. Envy can go to any extent and cause unimaginable harm. It can cause irreversible rifts, ruin lives, destroy value and deface goodness. 

Be aware and check if you are facing any of the above behaviours repeatedly from same person. If so, the relationship is toxic and need to be handled with understanding, composure and compassion albeit from a distance. Nothing can Pierce thru the dark clouds of envy except sincere prayers. 

Pray hard to unshackle the chains of fundamental darkness...


(C) pakhi

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