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Sunday, March 24, 2019

My Favorite Books : A thousand splendid suns

 A thousand splendid suns


Khalid Hosseini storytelling is so intense and moving that your heart will cry out for these women who are the protagonist in this novel. Set in the back drop of Afghanistan, it is a story of two women Mariam and 
Laila who are caged in the social framework around then with no freedom to live their life on their terms. 

They try to run from their husband only to be caught and brought back to be beaten brutally. The story moves with a  poignant narration of the plight of  an Afghan woman , who has to undergo  caesarian operation without anaesthesia,  who kills her husband to save another woman and who is publicly executed. Mariam's mother states, "Learn this now and learn it well, my daughter: Like a compass needle that points north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman. Always. You remember that, Mariam."

A must read to know and believe that there are  outrageous norms in different parts of the world where women are forced to live under subhuman conditions, are kept uneducated, are kept repressed and are forced to accept their fate as unequals.

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