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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

My Favorite Books : I am OK You are Ok

                                     I am OK -You're Ok

It is almost 25 years now when I read this book first. A complete guide to transactional analysis or TA, this book presents a completely new nomenclature and method to handle relationships in a rewarding manner.

The parent, adult and child in us subconsciously determine the outcome of our transactions. Strokes, childhood injunctions, the four life positions of I am OK- you are OK,I am OK- you are not OK,I am not OK- you are OK and I am not OK- you are not OK provides  stunningly simple  perspective to understand our behaviour.

During one of the sessions in a TA workshop, the instructor asked everyone to close their eyes and imagine getting a recognition or appreciation they had been craving for but never got from others. This simple exercise was so powerful and intense that many of the participants started actually crying. Such is the power of strokes and such is the intensity of the impressions we collect in our subconscious since our childhood.

Please do read this book. It is a great insight, a new perspective and it is transformative!!

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