Editorial Note - Happy New Year -2025

Another year passes by to bring us to another moment of reflection, reckoning, anticipation, resolution, hopes and dreams... We as human beings have our destiny tied up with space and time inextricably. I have a growing realization that many a times what we consider as an individual approach to change in our lives, our mental models or preferences is nothing more than effect of the time and space we belong to... A country being economically, socially and technologically less evolved might exhibit Family Values, Professional Ethics and Societal Norms of what an evolved country exhibited 20 years earlier when they were at that stage ....Same things apply to individuals....when you observe a change in behavior of a certain person, check whether the person has different circumstances now as compared earlier times... People living in small houses with lesser amenities often exhibit closer family bonds then the ones living in larger houses with all luxuries... it is the adversity that fosters humanity or kindness; good times seems to foster alienation, aloofness, distance... There could be exceptions but generally, there are patterns to our behavior. We tend to focus on the person while in fact it is the time that has changed and not the person. The person might only be reflecting the effect of the change in time... Very closely observe the space around a person which would mean their affiliates, friends, acquaintances , their locality, possessions, and the times they are in their life.. sad times, happy times, affluence, penury, fears, insecurities etc.. There is a concept in Buddhism called eshō-funi which means Oneness of Self and Environment. This typically means that the environment acts like a perfect mirror to one's inner state of life...While to an individual it provide an opportunity to understand the changes to be internalized in order to improve their circumstances; to an observer it means; watching and understanding the environment of a person and uncover the Inner state of life of that person with perfection and accuracy... unmistakably...Many a times we find that the people were getting materially elevated while experiencing ( and accepting) free fall of their moral values and sense of justice.. and both were manifested in their environment as a true reflection of their inner life states.
New Year gives us an opportunity to reflect on our spaces and times and look back and ahead.. We wish each other a promising future and surge of positivity suffuse the planet earth. I also take this opportunity to open a new chapter of my writing journey by launching 'Delta-To-Sigma' in its new outlook. The journey that started more than a decade back has been a truly rewarding experience of my life. I was able to connect with many readers from across the geographies and make some everlasting friendships. The stats shows a widespread reach across countries like US, UK, Germany, Russia, France, Sweden, Ukraine, Hongkong, Singapore, Portugal, Latvia, Finland, Luxembourg, Canada, Columbia, Poland and Israel.
I am thankful to all my readers for their constant encouragement and insightful feedbacks and guidance. I cherish each one of you and truly hope for your continued patronage.
Wish you a very very Happy new Year!!! May god bless you all with great health and vigor to dream big and make every dream come true. May this new year bring you more awareness of your own space and time. May you master your minds fully and become keen observer of the inner life state of others and awaken them to their true selves. May we all evolve to be free of the fundamental darkness and conquer greed, anger and envy so that our biases do not pass into a generation of Artificial Intelligence creating a magnified versions of our lower selves. May we all become enlightened before inventing machines that are self governed and have immense power to influence.
!!!Happy New Year!!!
Manish 'Pakhi'
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