A place to share the creations of Hearts & Minds both and the fusions of fine arts,Poems, Science,Business and daily life...To share miraculous victories in life to let all draw inspirations...To share examples of daunting courage,unflinching Hope, unprecedented Life force,Will power & above all "FAITH&" with which people color the beautiful landscapes of life...Delta to Sigma - Collect,share & spread such inspirations for all....

Thursday, October 23, 2014

My Expressions - Youth

 The energy never wanes, The day never ends, nothing seems impossible and friends are friends...

Dilemmas in the eyes sparkling with hopes, what to do & what to miss, who will choose? 

Damn if the choice is right , Damned if not!! But teachers and a parents say, it matters a lot....

Faces and the books, Conscious of looks, anything trendy ( with or without merit) hooks....

 Know it all , rock and roll,  most precious is a trifle LoL..

Talking sense with stupid expressions and a surge of rebellious giving up..

Why people do not understand the real me.. I am a lion in fever.. 

                                                                                                            - Pakhi -


My Pride