My Expressions- Appreciation , Encouragement & Gratitude
Appreciation and encouragement has the power to unleash the unlimited potential latent with in all of us - potential to fill every moment of life with joy and true happiness. Appreciation from heart brings out the best of a person and encourages him to do better with a sense of fulfillment. Criticism and sarcasm leads to resentment and bitterness and leaves behind a rancour that seeths with in to give rise to negative tendencies.
Each of us are unique human beings with our unique traits, habits, and behaviours. Many a times we do not like people who are not like us which is fine. But the moment this dislike start turning into resentment and criticism, it sets in seemingly irreversile self destruction on account of somebody else. We must remember that we are responsible for our own self and so are others. Breeding any negetaive emotions with in us is like holding coalfire in hand which burns nobody but us. It also rarely results in change in others.
Instead, positive pursuasion makes people accept the limitations and appreciation makes it easier for them to evolve. So please appreciate, encourage and express copius gratitude to all in your life and see your life change...there are many people fulfillng some purpose in your life and all these like people are not bound to have the same nature as yours by the law of the universe..
Forgive if you can, forgive even if you cannot..because nobody likes a complaining person..
It is difficult but CERTAINLY POSSIBLE..
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