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Sunday, September 17, 2023

My skits and stories: Phantom City – The Buddhist Parable

Phantom City The Buddhist Parable

 Author: Manish Pakhi


Introduction: The Parable of the Phantom city appears in chapter 7 of Lotus Sutra. The story of the imaginary or phantom city describes a caravan of travelers who spent several days traveling through the desert in search of a magnificent treasure. The caravan had a knowledgeable leader who noticed the participants were worn out and losing interest in their mission. Many travelers lacked the stamina to continue after a protracted and perilous voyage, and many yearned to turn around and return home.

 The astute leader (Buddha) realized this and decided he needed to find a means to cheer them up. He informed them that a city was soon ahead, where they could find a place to rest and refresh themselves, in order to give them hope and inspiration to go on. This provided the tired group with some relief. The Buddha then explains that Buddhahood is the true value and the ultimate aim, while the phantom city symbolizes the provisional teachings which the Buddha preached only to lead the way to the true enlightenment.


(Scene opens, narrator is standing / seating on right facing the audience)



Narrator 1: 

Good Morning dear friends... 

We bring to you today... 

a Buddhist fable very old... 

But the moral of this story... 

is just as good as gold!


Background Slide:  desert, climb, sun, sweltering,

Music: sad, weary


Narrator 2:  This is the Parable of the Phantom city... where a leader is guiding a caravan of five travelers to the wonderful land of treasures. But the path to the mighty land is not easy... The travelers and the leader are undertaking a long and hazardous journey through a scorching desert... The heat, sweat, grime and dust... make the traveler’s feet turn to rust. Disheartened and weary, they tell the leader that they can’t go much ahead really!



Oh, I can't walk any more. I need some rest badly,

There is no shade, no water and No respite sadly.

Traveler 2:

I am feeling so sick, I am old and weak,

I shall never find the treasure, I shall never reach the peak


All this long, it was all in vain,

Let's go back, let's go back, I am going insane.


Narrator 3: 


The fundamental darkness inherent in all... 

Is surely taking its toll

The determination of the travelers’ falls … 

And enthusiasm stalls. 

With their patience lost... 

The travelers also find perseverance disappearing fast.


Background recital:

Who awaits u there, traveler,

what will you find,

Look back and think just once,

All that you have left behind


Traveler 4:

There is no treasure land, that we can ever reach,

We cannot endure anymore what you teach,

Traveler 5:

Oh Great Leader, I beg of you,

Please tell us what do we do?


Narrator 4: Now while the travelers are the voice hearers, cause awakened Bodhisattvas who seem to have become complacent; their leader is the Buddha himself... The Buddha’s mission is to make them persevere and guide them to the land of treasures or what you may also call the land of unsurpassed enlightenment or Buddhahood... So, in the middle of the vast desert... the guide using his transcendental powers, conjures up a mythical land so pretty... that the five travelers at once forget all their self-pity...


Background Slide: Palace,

Music: happy, celebratory

Kids with pom pom

Background Recital:

Welcome to the city of dreams,

You are worthy to be here,

Come, come and please come over,

This place is for you;  my dear,


Narrator 5: In the parable, the mythical phantom city in the middle of the scorching desert is actually symbolic of the illusions of thought and earthly desires that one faces in day to day life... The guide then urges the travelers to enter the city... and enjoy peace, tranquility and happiness in plenty...



“You are all so learned, You are all so wise,

Giving away your doubts, you must rise.

The road is long, the journey is tough,

It is'nt easy, the patch is rough,

The treasure land is not far, it is near in sight,

Can't you hear the bells and see that palace of great height?”


REPEAT: Background Slide: Palace

Music: happy, celebratory

Kids with pom pom

Background Recital:

Welcome to the city of dreams,

You are worthy to be here,

Come, come and pls come over,

This place is for you my dear,



This is the phantom city,

city of dreams,

You have reached where you wanted to,

by all means,

Take it easy, now and here,

in this great land,

Fun, food and happiness 

all so close at hand.

The city of dreams will fill your senses and revive your soul,

Isn’t this what you wanted, wasn’t this your goal?

Expedient as it is to celebrate now,

Time to appreciate, encourage and take a new vow


Narrator 6: 

The travelers are ecstatic... 

The phantom city is indeed enigmatic

They are happy and gay... 

Weren’t earthly pleasures the real way?


Background Slide: Buffet, food, beverages

Gaiety, fun and dancing all around


Traveler 1: Behold, I have never seen such delicacies before,

Traveler 2: The more I eat, I yearn for more...

traveler 3: The cool breeze blows away all my pain, I m feeling sleepy ready to snore...

Traveler4: Let's go to that side, someone singing out there,

let's hear this wonderful symphony, that fills the air...


Background Slide: Music background




Traveler 5: 


I can't tell this, This song was so great,

what more is there to see, I can't wait...


Narrator 7: 

Having rested their exhausted bodies and recouped some of their shine..

The travelers or Bodhisattvas are now on cloud nine. 

They feel in the pink of health... 

As though their just received enormous wealth!


Traveler 1: Delighted I feel,

Traveler 2: Overjoyed I feel,

Traveler 3: Rejuvenated I feel,

Traveler 4: I am on cloud nine

Traveler 5: Phantom city is MINE!!!



Background Slide: Fan dance slide


Narrator 8: 

But the Phantom city was but an illusion... 

And when it disappears, there is bound to be delusion

The travelers think that the pleasures of the Phantom city are enlightenment...but the land of treasures that awaits is one of unsurpassed fulfilment... The Leader being a Buddha has a mission to lead the travelers to true, unending happiness. And when he finds the traveler’s batteries recharged... 

The leader waves his magic wand.... 

And begins turning the phantom city back to sand.


Traveler 1: Behold, this palace is dissolving into thin air,

Traveler 2: The food, the music and the brightly-dressed kids...nothing is there,

Traveler 3: Where is everything vanishing, where??

Traveler 4: Leader, please tell us what is real, what is true,

                   Only your profound wisdom can give us some clue.


I conjured up this palace to give you rest,

But the real treasure is what lies next,

The fundamental darkness manifests as phantom city,

Illusions sway your minds, what a pity,

The true enlightenment and Phantom city,

Are but one, 

Boundless joy, compassion and courage,

Is Buddha’s wisdom

So forge ahead with a deep, mission and Vow,

Phantom city and treasure land are one,

Here and now.


When the journey resumes ... symphony plays with increasing crescendo and the travelers resume the journey with enthusiasm and indestructible joy.


The five travelers hold the teachers’ hands and walk forth with courage and expectation in their eyes...


Narrator 9:

And so the Parable of the phantom city comes to an end... 

but not before having a deep message sent...  

Travelers may feel that phantom cities or earthly desires are the "means" to reach the treasure land or Buddhahood which is the "End"...

But the Dai Shonin believed differently... and he said fervently...

“The Phantom city and treasure land are in fact inseparable...

The nine worlds are all phantom cities themselves... and the treasure land or Buddhahood is truly the higher self.

Phantom city and treasure land in fact are identical, the Dai Shonin said to lure... and the word “identical” here means "Nam-Myo-ho-Renge-Kyo"...

Keep conquering the phantom cities, we say... and soon you’ll find yourselves in treasure land, the Buddha way.

Every target achieved is life in phantom city... and every moment in that phantom city revelry... is a slice out of the treasure land corollary.

Earthly desires indeed are enlightenment... but only when with wisdom and compassion lent...

Let’s work hard in bringing forth our innate Buddha nature ... that’s when Phantom city and Treasure land will become one in stature.

To attain enlightenment is the mission... and the Parable of the phantom city teaches a deep & valuable lesson.



Sunday, September 10, 2023

My poem - Waqt

My Pride