The Real Self
We are an entity, identity, being or we are a process, a phenomenon, a transience, manifesting the illusion of a macro appearance. We could also be an entity experiencing the phenomenon of manifestation of a higher entity which is contained with in all of us. It is intriguing to imagine that we are a part of the whole containing whole. It is surely intriguing to imagine that there could be the world with infinite continuum without beginning or end.
We are so deeply conditioned to perceive in terms of duals for example good or bad, light or dark, short or tall, calm or angry, good or evil etc. that to imagine a continuum plane is beyond imagination. In my childhood, I used to wonder if the difference between a line with two distinct ends and a circle with no ends was a simple example of this nonduality. The second example for understanding was Mobius belt which had no beginning or end. Then came the doctrine of Middle way which was suggested to be a third possibility between the two duals. This Middle Path was not an average or man of the two extremes but a third direction which had a logical continuum representing Equilibrium.
We are so deeply conditioned to perceive in terms of duals for example good or bad, light or dark, short or tall, calm or angry, good or evil etc. that to imagine a continuum plane is beyond imagination. In my childhood, I used to wonder if the difference between a line with two distinct ends and a circle with no ends was a simple example of this nonduality. The second example for understanding was Mobius belt which had no beginning or end. Then came the doctrine of Middle way which was suggested to be a third possibility between the two duals. This Middle Path was not an average or man of the two extremes but a third direction which had a logical continuum representing Equilibrium.
The confluence of two extremes created Life in the form an Entity... Duals finding expression in the equilibrium and sustaining the miracle of manifestation of nondual in macro form. A circle unfolding as a line , a Mobius uncoiling, a spiral collapsing into nothingness. This manifestation , creation, synthesis, on one hand, had the biology of cellular Proteins, DNAs, RNAs, etc. and the other hand had a subtle energy called life state. A life state is neither a feeling nor an emotion. It is a subtle expression ; let's say " Intention" .. having deeper motivations and impressions of the interplay of destiny and free will.
A life state thus had an evolution of myriad possibilities into the synthesis of a moment of life intricately connecting space and time. Awareness of this connection empowers us to manifest our real self, a self free of duals, boundaries, and limitations. Real Self is the Universal rhythm pulsing in our eternal existence and nonexistancce.
While we shall understand in forthcoming posts about how the so convoluted subject can be easily understood and imbibed in daily life, suffice to say for the time being that Life is a Miracle and we are the observer of this Miracle learning from every single moment.
There are some starting points to observe in the journey to discover Real self. These starting points are Gratitude, Compassion, Respect and above all FAITH . We observe our mind start this journey to manifest gratitude, Compassion, and Respect in our actions and deeds.
- Pakhi -