A place to share the creations of Hearts & Minds both and the fusions of fine arts,Poems, Science,Business and daily life...To share miraculous victories in life to let all draw inspirations...To share examples of daunting courage,unflinching Hope, unprecedented Life force,Will power & above all "FAITH&" with which people color the beautiful landscapes of life...Delta to Sigma - Collect,share & spread such inspirations for all....

Friday, December 31, 2010

Daily Life - Happy 2011

Second Anniversary of my blog as the Year 2011 usher in with renewed determinations and hopes in hearts of millions of us. This a very special occasion as we all wish each other success, prosperity and happiness. We want all to be Happy and Cheerful.

Today also happens to be the Birthday of a very special person - one who design,innovate, care, and over all smile very warmly...A very happy birthday to the Grand Lotus ..

I feel encouraged when many of you say my blog has helped you overcoming the blues. I feel a strong sense of appreciation and gratitude should drive us rather than arrogance and ego. There are people who scoff at such suggestions as being foolish and unrealistic. They feel being emotional is not being worldly wise. I feel being worldly wise with emotions is difficult and need individuals human revolution hence many people take the easier option of remaining narrow mindedly focussed on their self interests.

Recently we attended an outdoor workshop in which there were certain activities like rock climbing , river crossing etc. were performed by participants. Many of these participants were not fit enough to even attempt such activities but I noted that cheered up by the crowd and the cries of BuckUps , propelled their hearts and they did these activities successfully. The crowd supportive applauds worked wonders for them to go beyond their abilities. I was wondering if they would have done the same if the crowd was shouting deriding, threating or scaring remarks.
Let year 2011 be the year of encouragement & appreciation to bring out our true potential
Please appreciate and encourage people starting from your family - TODAY

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Daily life - a few lessons

A few learnings I came across in last few days and found worth sharing :

  • The words 'Ever Changing' and 'Uncertainty' are synonyms but induce different feeling.
  • In any transaction the foremost requirement is to Be Human and behave Humanly.
  • There is a voice inside us that forewarns if we are doing something wrong.
  • Human mind is completely mutable as per the life state and circumstances.
  • The Positive or Negative meaning of any thing in life comes from the Life State we are in.
  • It is important to be Unobtrusive in achieving your goals.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Daily Life : The Encounters

I now see the person along with his state of life ....People in constant misery express pessimism and criticism, People in state of greed constantly compete and compare, People in the state of animality bow to the authority but bully the weaker , People in the state of anger get easily disturbed by external stimulus and thus are susceptible to get misused by evildoers..... Last few days i had close and repeat encounters with some such people deep in these states ....most of them gone completely astray despite huge potential to create value and happiness..

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Poems : The Iridiscence

The Iridescence....
The Roads lie across intertwined,
Thru' the serene quietude,
Barren wilderness,
and Bubbling alacrity,
waiting for the footsteps,
to leave the marks..
and memories..
as the timeless journey goes on,
with the dreams of reaching,
the azure heights..
and the indigo depths..
to ride over
the clouds..
and the tidal waves..
behold the vicissitude of,
mirth and tears,
bliss and fears,
done and undone,
learn and discern,
Holding hands with destiny,
expanding the cosmic with in,
The Phoenix rises once again..
The Pegasus takes another fanciful flight..
The resurgence of unsaid guilt and pains,
left behind,
to 'be' and never to say goodbye..
the sunshine descends,
and spreads thin and light,
to brighten the whole new life,
and the innocent childhood from,
the pyradimical bygones,
comes ALIVE..
- Pakhi-

Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Poem : मुझ से बढ़ कर कौन तुम्हारा..

मुझ से बढ़ कर कौन तुम्हारा..

Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Expressions - Package

My Expressions : Package Unseen

Every time you acquire something, there would we certain things that would inevitably come along with it. In pursuit of so many things, we almost tend to forget the what comes packeged with them.

In other word we focus on the effect or results but do not care much about the side effects or byproducts. 
Here are some :

1. With excess Money comes arrogance , evil influences ; desire to earn more money often at the cost and compromises ever increasing.

2. With excess power comes lonliness and distance from friends and proximity to yes men.

3. With excess and quick fame comes envy of many near and DEAR ones.

4. Excessively Workoholics often gets promotions packaged with health hazards.

5. With extreme idealism , disillusionment comes packaged.

6. Strong focus on the goal often misses the bigger picture.

7. With excess comfort, procrastination and nonchalance creep in.

8. With excessive simplicity and naiveness, betrayals and heartbreaks abound.

9. With excessive trust, the risk of misrepresentation and isolation comes in.

10. With excessive love, pains and expectations Congress packaged.

It is important to make choices in life in wise proportions.

(C) Manish 'pakhi'

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Daily Life - Jun 2010

Today I have redesigned the Blog for better readability. I am also adding a New dimension to my blog which are nuggets of amazing experiences and encounters in my daily life. Hope this would be liked by all readers.
As for today being a fathers day, My very young child took the challenge to prepare complete meal for me with her own sweet hands without any asistance.. and there could not have been a better treat for me on this day ..
I too salute my father today for being always youthful , inquisitive , vibrant and inspiring today with all my heart..Fathers have to hide their compassion in the veil of disciplined and stoic approach which gives them some disadvantage compared to mothers in recieving the love back but the new age fathers and new age children both share and reach out to make good for this long over due injustice..Happy fathers day..

Saturday, May 8, 2010

My Poems - Mother

Maa - Treasures Of Love

मां की ममता बिन सब सूना ,
माँ की डांट में प्यार है दूना ,
माँ होती है प्यार का सागर ,
बचपन के सपनो की गागर।

माँ से हो मीठी तकरार,
थोडा गुस्सा,ढेर दुलार,
माँ के आंसू की बूंदों में ,
कही अनकही सारी बातें ,
जीवन की हर ऊँच नीच की,
मौन समाहित बीती यादें।

माँ के आँचल में होता है,
आशीषों का एक खजाना,
इश्वर के समतुल्य हो माँ तुम,
तीनो लोकों ये ने माना।

हुए बड़े दिन तुमको देखे,
सुने कहानी अंखियाँ मींचे,
सपने में तुम रोज हो आती,
प्यार से मुझको सुबह जगाती,
पानी लायी हूँ मूंह धो लो,
उठो लाल अब आंखे खोलो...
लाल उठा और आँखे खोली,
माँ बिन कितनी रातें सो ली।

सुंदर घर का प्यारा कोना,
माँ की गोद में सर रख सोना,
पाखी ने अनमन यह सोचा,
याद जो आई रुला गयी...

माँ तुम मुझको ख़त मत लिखना ,
मुझको ख़त से मत बहलाना,
मुझसे दूर कभी न रहना,
मुझसे दूर कभी न जाना,

मुझसे दूर कभी न रहना,
मुझसे दूर कभी न जाना....

- मनीष 'पाखी' -

Saturday, January 2, 2010

My Expressions - Happy New Year

Today is the first anniversary of the Blog and I really thank all the readers who have sent me encouraging comments and notes. I also thank my fellow beings to keep giving me food for thoughts, gems of wisdom and the experiences to enrich my own repertoir of hopes & dreams.

The new year opening is again abuzz with the rustle of optimism and bon homie.The Greetings and best wishes, determinations and resolutions are illuminating the hearts once again.

As we advance our journey with renewed vigour, let us make pledge to value each of family member, friend, colloegue & neighbour.Each of them have a mission and a role to play in our life.

Many times we treat them in an unjust manner or ignore their contributions in our life and bear grudges. Such grudges become the roots of unhappiness in our own heart. Let us rewind, relook, rejuvenate the strained bonds.

Wish You a very peaceful, happy and fulfilling new year with stupendous successes.

My Pride