We are the hero of our Life story and thus look at the storyline from our standpoint only.
We pray , act and strive for our happiness primarily
Many a times we feel our prayers are not answered , Our efforts do not fructify.
We view things in terms of extremities - Good- Bad, Happy-Sad, Day-Night, Light- Dark,Hope-Despair, Right - wrong, Me-Others
Just as a pendulams build tension while travelling to one side gather momentum to swing to the other side after touching the extreme & thus keep Oscillating.. we are no different..
In reality life is made up of myriad subtle shades & nuances of what lies in between these extremes.
and thus many of us in pursuit of a distant goal make the journey miserable..
For God everyone is Hero, we think for ourselves but he thinks for all..
When we are awakened to this , we are no longer self centered..Being self centered does not fit in the design of Universe..
Universe is made up of a rhythm of mutual co-existence..a constant cycle of synthesis and annihilation..
The source of contentment and happiness is to find this rhythm..